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Reload credit for more discount

Credit Reload Table

Reload amount Free credit (RM)
Minimum RM100 RM 5
RM 200 – RM 299.99 RM 12
RM 300 – RM 499.99 RM 25
RM 500 – RM 999.99 RM 45
RM 1,000 – RM 2999.99 RM 95
RM 3000 and above RM 300
  1. Reload amount is based on total reload per transaction. No sum up allowed to achieve next tier rewards
  2. Reloaded amount is non refundable or transferable to other user account
  3. No expiry date is indicated for all credit owned. This is inclusive of the amount reloaded and free credit.
  4. Free credit will be updated within 1 working day.
  5. Credit can be used to purchase any items from our website, to pay any fees or to pay shipping fees on our website
  6. Credit is only applicable for online payment at
  7. Free credit is not applicable for payment using Paypal.
  8. Our company management is entitled with the right to change the terms and conditions at any time without prior notice.


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